Security Tips for your Home or Business

In the U.S., there is a robbery every 1 minute and a theft every 3 seconds. The holidays will be here very soon and we would like to give you some basic security tips to keep your home and business safe.

#1 Maintain your security system. Make sure all window and door contacts are in good working order. Batteries in your system and smoke detectors should be checked often in case of power outages. See that the zone list on your security system is accurate.

#2 Your alarm response call list should be up-to-date in case your alarm goes off. Everyone on that list should know what to do if called.

#3 A well lit yard and driveway deters a burglar. Consider exterior lighting on a timer or motion-sensitive lights.

#4 Use timers on interior lights and radios when you are gone. This gives the appearance of someone being there.

#5 Make it tougher for burglars when you are away by locking all doors and windows. Consider installing glassbreak sensors that will be detected on your security system.

#6 Don’t openly display your Christmas tree and gifts in a window. Burglars will smash the window and grab packages and be gone in a flash. After Christmas don’t pile empty boxes on the street for your garbage pickup. Burglars appreciate knowing that you have expensive gifts for them to steal.

#7 When you are away, unplug the garage door controller and do not leave garage door remotes in vehicles.

#8 Don’t leave descriptive telephone answering machine messages saying that you will be out of town.

#9 Check with us for the most up-to-date technology in security. We are knowledgeable in all aspects of keeping your home and business safe. We are also licensed electricians.